Register for Jurgen or Soledad’s workshop to receive a 15% discount to 1st Conference.
Jurgen Appelo's Shiftup Business Agility & Innovation Leader Workshop
Adelaide 25-26 February
Melbourne 2-3 March
For companies that need to change and innovate faster
Important - This public course will be one of only two that Jurgen will personally teach in Australia.
You'll receive a copy of his book, with a personally dedicated bookplate.
How can we have something like “a startup culture” in our company?
How can we get new products to become fast-growing scaleups?
How do we reorganize ourselves for optimal execution and innovation?
Most companies are expected to screw up and die within the next two decades. They will be replaced by a new generation of disruptive startups and scaleups except for the organizations that learn how to disrupt themselves.
The Shiftup Business Agility & Innovation Leader is a two-day workshop that teaches the principles and common practices of Lean-Agile business innovation. It is a combination of facilitator-led instruction, peer discussion, and team exercises. The workshop helps attendees understand how innovation works across the lifecycle of a business, and it makes them aware of their role in the creation and delivery of innovative products and services in continuously changing environments.
In this workshop, you will explore many major good practices for business leaders and product teams, from the moment they have an innovative idea to the day they will scale it up (or screw it up). Everything depends on the lifecycle stage of the product or service.
Starting new teams and scaling up innovation is more critical than ever. The key to success is applying different practices in different stages of the innovation lifecycle.
you will see that the basic unit for innovation is the strategic business model.
You will understand how each business model evolves from exploration and effectiveness toexploitation and efficiency.
And you will learn how managers, leaders, designers, anddevelopers need to organize their work differently to create an organization that can reinvent itself continuously and that can scale tremendously.
Coaches, consultants, team managers, business leaders, product designers, product developers, product managers, project managers, human resource managers.
This is a foundational workshop, meaning that no knowledge or certifications of lean thinking, business agility or innovation are required. Although it is not an expert-level course, having some experience with new product development and business management (in any role) will be beneficial.
ICAgile Certification
Attendees can qualify to become an ICAgile Certified Professional in Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF).
Shift Up Workshop - Full description PDF, including course outline
General info sheet about Jurgen and the course.
Jurgen Appelo
Jurgen was rated #40 management & leadership expert in the world, one of the Top 100 leadership speakers, and #6 most influential person in Agile; his blog was rated #3 most popular Agile blog in the world; and his books are considered best-sellers.
With his company Agility Scales, Jurgen is inventing the future of organizational agility. You may know one of his books: Management 3.0, which describes the role of the manager in agile organizations; How to Change the World, which describes a supermodel for change management; Managing for Happiness, which offers you practical ideas to engage workers, improve work, and delight clients.
Since he last visited 1st Conference, he has written Startup, Scaleup, Screwup. It contains an equal mix of observations collected from some of the best companies in the world, as well as practices that help business leaders and entrepreneurs navigate innovation as their companies grow and scale. Jurgen will also discuss how this ties into the Heart of Agile.
Jurgen will also be teaching his 2 day Shiftup workshop in Adelaide on 25-26 February This will be one of only 2 times ever that Jurgen will teach this course in Australia. So don’t miss this opportunity!
Heart of Agile Deep Dive with Soledad Pinter
Adelaide 20-21 February
Melbourne 26-27 February
Brisbane 2-3 March (with Tony Ponton)
Soledad Pinter -Managing Director, Heart of Agile Europe. Consultant, Coach & Trainer. International Speaker.
Soledad brings to you “The Heart of Agile”, the core of agile ways to any industry and area of any type of organization.
This interactive 2 days workshop is pure agile, for all job titles, all industries. It sets the standard for entry-level learning, and re-establishes the subtle aspects of agile development for beginner and intermediate practitioners.
The Heart of Agile, created by Dr. Alistair Cockburn, co-author of the Agile Manifesto, is a radically simpler approach to achieve outstanding outcomes. In this workshop we will deep dive into this concept!
What you will learn:
heart of agile
How each person can contribute to improve collaboration
How to do incremental, value-based deliveries
How it fits with Scrum and non-Scrum approaches across the organization
How teamwork, communication & frequent delivery affect your initiatives
Why it is good and how to split initiatives into smaller pieces How to improve team discussions with future-focused discussionsHow to apply the Heart of Agile approach to your everyday work and life
Who Should Attend:
People looking to understand the essential concepts and techniques of agile development, independent of any branded methodology eg. Entrepreneurs, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, Product Owners, Product Managers, Team Leaders, Change Management Agents, Project Managers, Consultants…in fact all jobs, all industries.
Course Goal for Attendees:
Attend this course to understand what is and what isn’t agile development; to develop a feeling for how teamwork, communication, customer interaction and continuous improvement affect your project; to understand how your locally tailored way of working fits with Scrum and non-Scrum approaches; and gather a few techniques to take home and use immediately.
This course replaces the ornate and complicated rules of the different agile approaches including Scrum with an emphasis on the four basic elements of good agile development: Collaborating, Delivering, Reflecting, Improving.
The course serves to introduce agile development to people in any role in any industry. It is pure agile. The course has developed and evolved over a fifteen-year period, incorporating insights from different curricula and different schools. As such, it is suitable for people working in Scrum-based organizations, as well as those using a free-form style of Agile.
The main purpose of the course is to give attendees a deep appreciation for the power of agile development, when done effectively. Each of the core steps, Collaborate, Deliver, Reflect, Improve, gets attention, so that the student understand how and why each works and contributes to improved team results.
The course adds just enough theory so that the student has an idea of how and where changes can be made in real-life situations while staying within the agile sweet spot.
Soledad Pinter
Soledad is the Managing Director of Heart of Agile Europe and Director Global Operations for Heart of Agile. She’s also an agile consultant, coach and trainer with more than 20 years of experience. She has given keynotes and orientations on the Heart of Agile on several continents, using an informal and interactive presentation style. Originally from Argentina, she is currently based in Belgium. Sole is driven by her passion for helping organizations, teams and people to become better at their every day work.